Sunday, December 2, 2012

Capturing December ::Day 1::

Since it's the last month of the year, I'm going to do a photo a day challenge.  I googled it and apparently its a popular thing and there are photo challenges every month.  Of course I'm at the tail end of the know.  But I found one called Capurting December #capturingdecmber and thought why not.  I'm not going to post it everyday, {that would be madness}  I'm just going to post one week at a time.  Since day 1 was on a Saturday it will be by it's lonesome.

::Day 1::  my view
On the first day of December my family put up the Christmas Tree!  It was nice seeing Mills really get excited about putting ornaments on the tree.   It was really funny because she kept putting multiple ornaments on one branch and we had to explain to her that she needs to spread it out.  She didn't really get that, so we spread the ornament love for her!  I wasn't able to participate that much because it was Nono's feeding time so Morgan and Mills decorating the tree was my view from the couch.


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