Monday, November 25, 2013

Day in the Life

Thought this meme was appropriate :) 

I have a 16 mo old (Nolan) and a 4 yr old (Amelia).  I tend to stay on a routine to keep my sanity AND so the kids know what to expect from day to day. Here is what a typical day looks like

6:00-    I like to get up before the kids and get some ME time.  I have my coffee and I browse my social media, news, gossip, and generally wake up

7:00-    16 mo old wakes up

7:45-    Get Amelia up and beds made

8:00-    Feed both kids breakfast, pack Amelia's lunch and her backpack

8:30-    Get both kids dressed and ready

8:40-    Take Amelia to pre-school (if it's a school day MWF)

9:00-    After we drop off Amelia we have play time, either in the play room our outside.  OR if we have errands I do them now.  I like to get stuff done in the morning, less people and no lines. On Wed Nolan and I have story time at the Library and Kinder Jam.  On Fridays we have Alligator Steps (mommy and me class).

11:00- We usually get home, I start up a movie for Nolan to watch and I prepare lunch

11:30- Lunch TIME

12:00- Nolan goes down for a nap

1:30-    Wake up him and give him a small snack

1:40-    We go and pick up Amelia

2:00-    Get home and feed Amelia a snack

2:30-4:30-play time

5:00-    Daddy comes home from work and I start to prepare dinner

5:30-    Dinner for everyone

6:30-    Clean up kitchen and living room

7:00-    Kids take a bath

7:30-    Bottle, brush teeth, bedtime story

8:30-    Lights out

The rest of the night is spent with the hubby, it's our down time.   We watch our fave shows, he plays video games, I read, I catch up on YouTube, he watches sports highlights, haha we just chill.  We usually go to bed around 9:30-10:30 and we do it all again the next day.


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